Some of us just don’t have the space to keep all of our clothes in our closet all year around. If you are one of those people…here are a few steps you may want to go though while doing the seasonal switch.

Organized Clothes in Closet
First, ask yourself a few questions to help sort through clothing items.
Do you really want to keep everything? Is there anything that doesn’t fit anymore (and hasn’t for years!)? Is there anything that is either not in style, or that you haven’t worn in a long time and are likely never to wear again? If you were shopping today…would you still purchase the same items?
It is likely that some items could and should be purged every season.
- Remove anything that doesn’t fit, is not in style, you haven’t worn and are not likely to wear again. Place these items in a pile for donation or consignment.
- Be sure that your remaining winter clothes are clean before packing them away for the summer.
- Repair or replace any damaged items prior to storing.
- Store similar items together such as pants, sweaters etc. Consider placing some scented soap or dryer sheets in with your clothes so that when you retrieve them in the fall they smell fresh and clean.
When unpacking your summer clothes, ask yourself the same questions as above. There is no need to put away items that you aren’t even going to wear.
By completing a quick purge with every season you will be amazed how quickly you’ll feel in control of your clothes and closet.
Now that you’ve controlled your seasonal clothes clutter, ask the same questions and follow the same steps with each member of the family, especially your kids. Be sure that everyone is involved and responsible for their own belongings.
Remember you can apply these same questions and steps to winter outerwear including coats, hats, mitts and scarves, as well as boots and shoes.
Even though it did snow today…I am still ready to put my winter gear out of site to help bring on the feeling of Spring!